Work From Home with our Community

Work from home with our Community is where anyone that wants to truly succeed should be. Doing it alone is very difficult. You can be part of that success. Doing it alone is not only difficult, but the path to success is much longer. If a better way of learning, doing and achieving exists, it is usually connected to someone that has already done it before you and in a position to help you.

And It is even more powerful when you have a Community that is succeeding already there to help you. The Core Values of everyone around you is there to support you and to help you win. Doing it alone, is a recipe for failure, which is why we have created the most incredible community to help all those who truly want it to succeed.

Who am I:

My name is James Sager. I was born and raised here in the United States, in the State of Ohio later migrating to California. Like others, I have been blessed to be born in the land of the free, and fortunate to have been guided and connected with others that wanted the same success as well. That success was gained from many areas starting with Corporate America. But I quickly discovered that corporate america didn’t have everything I wanted. And that there were other paths that would not only suit me better but I could help others at the same time as well. That environment is a community of mentors and others, all wanting happiness, success, growth, and to help others. It has always been an environment of paying it forward.

I believe that I was unique with this concept. The more people I met and interacted with around the world, the more I realized there was a missing element to the world. People were not serving others; they were not paying it forward. They were not looking out for their neighbors.

I was raised to care for other people and that was the norm, as “the way” but not the way for most everyone. As I built my family and continued to grow, life found the path for me. I discovered my purpose.

Not only was I put into an environment that allowed me to thrive and grow, I was given talents. I know for fact that God gives us all talents and while mine have absolutely nothing to do with music (if you ever hear me sing you will understand) he did bless me with a keen understanding of logic, math, and computing. I have always had the ability to hear and listen to what people needed. My environment of service and habits to enable ways to serve my neighbor and others have always kept me in line with having solutions.

With that thought and as we travel the road, there are many lessons in life that people experience as they travel the road to success. Some are good and remembered, and then some are bad and never forgotten because they pave the way for individual direction and focus. It is these events that shape our future as we travel through the maze of business.

My professional life started in 1973.

Everyone has gifts that were bestowed on them upon entering this life. Some discover those gifts as they progress through the cosmos. Some never discover them, leaving this life empty not knowing what could have been. And then again, some discover more than one. In my case I discovered early in life the gift of technology awareness and understanding. And as an Engineering Analyst I chased that gift throughout my corporate life. But I always knew something was missing. Then in the late 80’s I discovered what it was.

The true great ones on the planet have a few things in common. They help others progress in life as the leaders they are, and one thing they all have in common is that they have always been searchers. Searching for that missing piece to the puzzle of life. They are Neo-Tech and Neo-Think, a community of visionaries. I became a part of that community in 1989 and have been an integral part of it ever since.

This is a community of the upper elite in the world, and the only way in is by invitation only. Their philosophy is very simple. Leaders and searchers think for themselves and do not allow outside influence to effect their decisions. Their core values shine through in everything they do. These values are very simple, help others get what they want, and everything you want will come to you. IN SPADES.

I am a direct recipient of that philosophy because in 2000 I found a company that lived by the same premise, so I joined up and watched my success climb by helping others as it grew and grew over the years.

What was really amazing was that it was all part-time. I had my Corporate America J-O-B full time with this on the side. And it did overtake my corporate earnings, but I decided to keep both in place. It was terrific, and looking back, that single consideration was a Godsend.

Then Tragety hit in 2001 with 911. The tragedy of 911 was a direct result of individuals who have no respect for human life. No matter what ideologies they have, there is not a single religion on the planet that sanctifies murder. Such people are the lowest human beings on the planet. Most humans have a devout respect for life, but these people do not.

Forced Change is where Magic can Happen:

There was a second tragedy that occurred right after 911 that nobody talks about, which affected me directly. I was laid off from the corporate J-O-B that I loved, 2 weeks after 911.

It was very dramatic, as now I only had 1 income stream. Yes I could survive very well on it, but just the thought of what happened was very disturbing. This taught me the reality of working in corporate America, which creates a very large exposure to income streams because of what can happen if one dries up.

The excuse the company made was due to a reduction in force. Basically, they were losing money, and changes were required.

At that point I had a very dim view of corporate America, even though I loved what I was doing. Challenges can occur anywhere, and one is least likely to see it until bad things happen.

So now I’m spending more time and focus in the remaining direction of my 1 remaining income stream. And it is increasing at a regular level across time and by 2007 I had a complete community working with me that provided lots of income.

Before that I decided to augment my income again by going back to Corporate America in October 2005, even though the issues in 2001 left a bad taste in my mouth. I was doing different things, but I was still immersed into technology at multiple levels which was fine by me as I loved the involvement.

I’m a firm believer in the fact that things happen for a reason, which is a tribute to what happened next. If I had not gotten back into Corporate America as I did, the next critical event would have been disastrous.

With thousands of people in my community generating income, which meant I was receiving it as well from all the by-products, and by helping my partners do the same, things were running along great until June 2008.

Almost overnight, everything was terminated and shut down because one of the principals of the company were caught imbezzling funds. It contained multiple income streams from many products but predominately, it was a single company. So if something happens to the company, as is the case here, everything dries up, including your income.

This was a revelation and a direct impact to my focus of where to go and what to do in relation to business. Corporate America saved my butt, because if I didn’t have it to fall back on I would have been dead meat and might not have recovered from what happened on that fateful day.

The very best teacher in life, is the teacher OF life. I know that sounds like a crazy equation, but it is so true. And if one pays attention, they will be rewarded in one of many potential ways. If they don’t then they will suffer in untold ways at the mercy of the teacher.

As I have said many times, the progress of life has a distinct way of teaching an individual about humbling experiences as they occur. In this case, I learned very painfully never to rely on a single income stream for any reason or a single company, and so that was the beginning of a new philosophy.

The big issue I had with that new-found philosophy was that there weren’t any companies around to fit the bill. I wasn’t going to consider going through the same throws again for years with a single company to have a similar thing occur. So I had to keep searching for the right environment. And it took quite a while before anything reasonable materialized.

It took years as a matter of fact. But the creation I found is a way for you to Work From Home with our Community and it has been underway since 2008. It has been built in a Community form, as that connects to the upbringing of many of the people here. My businesses are always about Community. Always have been, and always will.

It is what we do and how we react that matters.

Four and 1/2 years, and funding it with family financial assets: is what created the environment. Because of my new philosophy, I will never interface with or be a part of an environment that would expose me to what happened before, in other words, a single company. The great news is that this environment interfaces all members with hundreds of companies, not just one. So if one runs into problems, who cares? We will just refocus towards another. RRR247, Reset, Refocus, Recommit. That’s what I call smart philosophy.

Work From Home with our Community – We have it all here now.

We can help those willing to accept our help and guidance to create a successful life. It is a System. Its designed to allow the internet, which is just a big computer program in itself, to work for us. For the most part Its a way of life, habits, and mental understanding. It is a mindset and a way of living a happy, abundant life. And we are global and doing all we can to help those that want it.

I am looking for those that are looking for a better way. For those that want to change their environment and to most importantly pay it forward. We are not here to make it work for just us. We are here to make it work for everyone willing to open up their minds and accept the knowledge and truth behind what we do.

As a previous business owner of multiple businesses I know what it costs to start and run a business, cause I’ve done it multiple times. From as little as $10,000 at startup to over $100,000 of initial investment with monthly expenses of $1,000 and up. And Yes I know what you are thinking, it definitely costs to start a business, and even more for a francise. But you will not find anything close to those costs here, and you have all the benefits of the business without the extreme cost. A way to Generate Income from over 200 sources and companies!! And there are more and more becoming available.

I would enjoy connecting with anyone looking to be helped. Anyone looking for that community of support to succeed. And not just to succeed a little, but in overwhelming amounts as service to others is incredible.

Please GO HERE to see how to connect with me. I will be available to those needing the help. When the Student is Ready, the Instructor will be there. We have a happy, thriving community ready to take you in.

When we say Work From Home with our Community, we mean it. Because of my life and what I have learned, you can gain from many years of experience. Plus, I have ways to help you that are almost unbelievable. Come join us, but be ready to pay it forward. We require it. And your life will only be better from doing so.

When looking into a new business its very important to understand more about the principles of any business and especialy the people you will be working with. For more on my background you can go here:

Work From Home with our Community, I am ready when you are.